Advanced computing & network innovation
To solve global challenges in domains such as fundamental physics, health, material science and chemistry, ICT plays a central role in advancing scientific discovery. At SURF we are co-designing and shaping the future of research infrastructure ecosystems, services and expertise.

Gebouw met de tekst: Get started: the future is here

Scientific questions of the future require a different approach to computing.

SURF Short podcast about advanced computing
Sagar Dolas

Sagar Dolas


Network Innovation

Network technology is developing rapidly. We want the SURF network to continue to meet state-of-the-art requirements, so we are closely monitoring global network developments in this project. We are considering which new technologies to include in our network when, and thus also working on the long-term strategy of the SURF network.

Long-term strategy

The national SURF network is the foundation on which we offer our services. This network is constantly evolving due to technological developments, new possibilities and users' wishes. In this project, we determine the long-term strategy of our network. In doing so, we closely follow international developments and select new technologies and concepts that could be interesting for our network.

Monitoring global network developments

The SURF network is part of the worldwide internet, which means that our users also have access to services and colleagues outside the Netherlands. This means that developments in (research) networks in other countries are also important for our network, and that we partly depend on the choices made by suppliers in terms of network technology.

2STiC: increasing security, stability and transparency of the internet

From the Network R&D project, we participate in the 2STiC project. In it, a number of Dutch organisations work together. The aim is to develop, evaluate and experiment with mechanisms that increase the security, stability and transparency of the internet. In doing so, we aim to put the Dutch and European networking community in a leading role.

Besides expertise, we are providing a nationwide 100G testbed for the 2STiC project.