Advanced computing & network innovation
To solve global challenges in domains such as fundamental physics, health, material science and chemistry, ICT plays a central role in advancing scientific discovery. At SURF we are co-designing and shaping the future of research infrastructure ecosystems, services and expertise.

Gebouw met de tekst: Get started: the future is here

About advanced computing & networking innovation

We look at new ways to make scientific discoveries faster, together with the SURF community. We pursue expertise and knowledge in infrastructure, technology and applications.

Why are radically new technologies and approaches needed?

Traditional high-performance computing (HPC) and networking technologies are growing, but they do not meet future needs. We continue to experiment and explore new technologies to address complex scientific questions in the future. The scientific community must actively work to reap the benefits of these technologies.

Our Advanced Computing & Networking Programme focuses on exploring innovative technologies and solutions to facilitate the transition to new technologies.

Seven themes Advanced Computing & Networking

The pie chart shows seven key themes that play a crucial role in advanced computing & networking:

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