Two hands holding a tablet with beach parasols in the background

Our summer reading and listening tips

Did you miss these great stories? Add them to your holiday reading and listening list and get new inspiration!


SURFsounds special Cyber steering

How do you navigate through attacks, hacks, breaches, protocols, behaviour, measures, resistance and necessity at board level? In this series, we look for answers to the questions: where does the Netherlands stand, what does it look like when things go wrong, how do you get the right information, how do you motivate people and how do you make the right choices?

Listen to episodes 1 & 2



Futuring in education

How do we prepare for the future and make sure we are at the helm instead of letting it happen to us? In this episode of SURFsounds, Gül Akcaova, lead futurist at SURF, and Mike Klaassen, education programme manager at Breda University of Applied Sciences, catch you up.

