Tech Trends-rapport kick-off

Image: kick-off Tech Trends report 2025-2026


Kick-off Tech Trends report 2025-2026

The Tech Trends report 2025-2026 was kicked off in early October 2024. Over 60 experts from SURF cooperative institutions will work in teams in the coming months on the various chapters of the biennial report. Main mission: to work out the most impactful technological trends for the education and research of the future.

The SURF Tech Trends report is a biannual report for SURF cooperative members, with an emphasis on trend curation rather than trendwatching. This means that it not only observes and discovers technology trends, but selects and presents specific trends for a specific target group: the members of the SURF cooperative.

The report serves as a valuable tool at various levels within organisations. Ron Augustus, chairman of SURF's Board of Directors, emphasised during the kick-off that the document is often used as a discussion starter. In addition, the report offers concrete insights for CIOs, policymakers, lecturers, researchers and IT architects on key technologies and their potential impact. Umbrella organisations, students, the wider press and others interested in foresight can also gain valuable information from the content.

The report helps them navigate the complex world of technological developments by providing an overview of technologies that could make a difference in the future. This is essential as there are numerous developments that are difficult to keep up with. Education and research institutions face the challenge of not only monitoring trends, but also basing proactive policies on them. Technologies such as AI, quantum and edge computing are therefore thoroughly analysed so that their impact becomes clear for the future.

Tech Trends Report 2025-2026
The focus of the Tech Trends Report 2025-2026 is 'bigger, bolder and beyond', said SURF Lead Futurist Gül Akcaova. Compared to the 2023 report, the upcoming report includes more highlighted technologies. Although the chapters have not yet been finalised, the envisaged report consists of nine different technology chapters. In addition, the report offers room for a wildcard: a chapter in which yet-to-be-identified technologies that could have a high impact could also have a place.

The intended chapters describe the following technologies:

  • Artificial intelligence
  • Immersive technologies
  • Quantum
  • Cloud & Edge
  • Digital connectivity
  • Compute
  • Cybersecurity
  • Data Management
  • Web3

How is the report produced?
We use the power of the SURF cooperative to optimally shape the report. For each chapter, we put together teams of experts from different institutions. By working together and engaging in dialogue, the content gains depth and the report becomes more relevant. At the same time, valuable new connections are created between the participants.

An example of how the content was honed was seen during the discussion at the kick-off on the role of AI in the various chapters. AI, as a (systems) technology, now has a major impact and is reflected in various technology domains. Opinions on this varied: from expanding the AI chapter to four subchapters to integrating AI in all chapters.

Over the next three months, the teams will decide what content each chapter should have and what trends should go with it. From January to May 2025, the teams will conduct literature reviews, practical research, consult experts within and outside their institutions, and develop the chapters. The report will be launched in autumn 2025.

Call: share your perspective and get involved!

By now, most technology chapters of the Tech-Trend Report 2025-2026 have enough stakeholders on board to flesh it out. The chapters with the technologies quantum, connectivity, compute, cloud&edge, cybersecurity and Web3 still have room for additional interested parties to join in. Do you have an affinity with any of these technologies and would you like to flesh out the chapter of such a technology? Then contact the SURF futuring team.

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