National Roadmap for Persistent Identifiers
Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) help to make research information findable and shareable in systems and are an essential element in the FAIR Data Principles. To realise common goals and a coordinated approach in the field of PIDs, a national roadmap is being developed.

Making research information more easily findable
There are all kinds of developments, both nationally (for example the NWO Persistent Identifier strategy) and internationally, to promote the traceability of research information, but coherence is not self-evident. To counteract the fragmentation of identifiers in the global landscape of research information, the demand for a national roadmap for PIDs has arisen.
For the development of the national approach, a PID Working Group was initiated in September 2021, which works on the roadmap under the guidance of a PID Advisory Board. Partners involved are UKB, NWO, KNAW DANS, Leiden University/CWTS, UU, eScience Center and 4TU.ResearchData. SURF initiated the roadmap and is coordinating its development.
Two use cases have been selected, with each one looking at relevant PIDs (types) in order to demonstrate the value and relevance of PIDs. This roadmap is an initial exploration of use cases, relevant PIDs and recommendations for the wider and more effective use of PIDs to improve the findability and shareability of research information. The roadmap is intended as an instrument to strengthen the coherence of stakeholder developments and to increase the impact through the use of PIDs.
Want to know more about PIDs?
SURF has been working with PIDs for several years now. We have now brought all our projects and experiences together into a report. Would you like to read about our experiences in the research information ecosystem? Read the report here: From ORCID Pilot to a PID-centric framework for Research Information. Do you want to know more about PIDs and how you can work with them? Then view this page.
You might also be interested in this: SURF ORCID
SURF also offers the ORCID service in the field of identifiers. ORCID is a unique identifier for authors of scientific work and ensures that research, scientific articles, and authors are easier to find. In addition, research is easier to distinguish and links between research, subsidies and innovation activities become more visible. Would you like to read more about it? Then take a look at this page.