Study data & learning analytics

Analysis of study data can help to support students more effectively and efficiently. How do you use this study data in a safe and reliable way to improve education? With learning analytics, study data can be converted into valuable reports, for both teachers and students.
Studiedata Battle of concepts

The HvA wants to make good use of the opportunities of study data and is taking a cautious approach in doing so. Martijn de Hamer, data protection officer speaking

Case study

Considerations for safe and reliable infrastructure

Is your institution developing or acquiring an infrastructure for learning analytics or analysing study data? If so, you need to make various considerations when it comes to privacy, ethics and functionality. SURF has drawn up a number of concerns and questions.

SURF Communities

Learning Analytics

Learning analytics betreft het verzamelen, analyseren en interpreteren van data over studenten in het onderwijs. De verzamelde data kunnen worden ingezet ter verbetering van het onderwijs.