Study data & learning analytics
Analysis of study data can help to support students more effectively and efficiently. How do you use this study data in a safe and reliable way to improve education? With learning analytics, study data can be converted into valuable reports, for both teachers and students.
Studiedata Battle of concepts
Germaine Poot

Germaine Poot


Educational practice study dates

The possibilities of using study data are vast, but how does a programme or teacher apply them successfully? Be inspired by the insights from the study tour and practical examples from various educational institutions.

Report study trip: Learning Analytics – a broad spectrum on the educational level

Groepsfoto studiereis studiedata 2019

During the study trip Studydata in 2019 to England en Scotland, we saw different aspects of the use of studydata. The universities we visited, made different choices which led to new insights. Theo Bakker (VU) and Mirjam Woutersen (Avans) wrote a short report of the trip.

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Utrecht University

Weekly reports showing students' online activities enrich teacher-student interaction. Read more

Open University

The developed system LASER provides insight into the group dynamics of students learning in online study groups. Read more

Free University

Using learning analytics to further improve statistics education and match students' needs and preferences. Read more

Utrecht University of Applied Sciences

Experimenting with many large group of students to get a good picture of how students interact with the learning environment. Read more


Using learning analytics to help teachers improve the quality of education. Read more

University of Amsterdam

Using formative tests to deliver tailored face-to-face teaching. Through learning analytics of the tests, face-to-face teaching has been fleshed out. Read more

Vrije Universiteit, Eindhoven University of Technology, Utrecht University of Applied Sciences, Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, Zuyd University of Applied Sciences and Noorderpoort ROC

A total of six institutions conducted learning analytics experiments together with SURF. Read the lessons learned


Report Learning analytics in education: an educational perspective. The report supports and inspires teachers and educational developers in applying learning analytics in online education.

Report Grand Challenges learning analytics & open and online education - an exploration. Through various challenges, you will be introduced to the possibilities of applying learning analytics in open and online education.

Trend report open and online education. Various trends in open and online education at home and abroad.

Trend report How technological trends enable customised education. Various trends in educational innovation, including learning analytics.