Training courses on the cloud, sourcing and IT coordination
SURF offers its members a variety of meetings, training courses and workshops on the cloud, sourcing and IT coordination. The goal of these meetings is to share knowledge and foster cooperation between the members of SURF. We can also organise tailor-made training courses and on-site courses.
Nieuwe opzet Microsoft-cloudtrainingen
Enterprise Skills Initiative (ESI): een programma met de nieuwste Microsoft Cloud-trainingen voor alle instellingen met SURFcumulus.
Bijeenkomsten SURFcumulus
Interesse in een conferentie over SURFcumulus? Lees snel verder over onze verschillende bijeenkomsten en workshops!
Bijeenkomsten op maat
SURF organiseert ook bijeenkomsten op maat, op je eigen locatie.
Cloud Advisors
Want to know more about cloud services from SURF? Please contact us.