Overview of standards and norms for socially responsible procurement Here you will find all relevant information for the sustainable procurement of IT.
'Better observations for groundbreaking astronomy with SURFnet8'. JIVE (Joint Institute for VLBI) was one of the first pilot institutions to migrate from SURFnet7 to our new network SURFnet8.
Privacy Statement Daphne Riksen Writing price All about SURF's privacy statement for the Daphne Riksen Writing Award.
SURF and standards Educational institutions cannot do without the exchange of information. Standards are the means to achieve this exchange.
Lessons learned pilot edubadges We collected the lessons learned, both from the development team and from the participating institutions, and summarised them in a publication.
Nobel Prize-winning research into gravitational waves on Grid The LIGO-Virgo collaboration, whose founders won a Nobel Prize, makes use of SURF's Grid facility, among other things.
Customer satisfaction survey SURF values good cooperation with its relations. Therefore, your opinion is very important to us.
Member satisfaction research SURF attaches great value to good collaboration with its business contacts. That is why your opinion is very important to us.
The wire-free campus More and more communication on campus goes via mobile networks. How do you ensure a stable and reliable wireless network? Read our tips.
Hall of fame - Research Support Champions Overview of all winners of all editions of the SURF Education Awards