The Hall of Fame has been supplemented with the videos of the 5 educational innovators honoured in 2019: Henk Hagoort, Bert-Jan Klaren, Silvester Draaijer, Marina Brinkman-Staneva and Fake Zijl.
Get updated on current security and privacy issues in education and research on 27 and 28 June 2024. We will be guests at Hogeschool Rotterdam, location Kralingse Zoom.
In this new edition, the main article is about the collaboration between SURF and MBO. In 2014, the MBO will join the SURF cooperative. This has led to more intensive collaboration between saMBO-IT,…
Learning spaces are attracting increasing interest worldwide. SURF has therefore asked Inholland to carry out research into the state of the art of technology-rich learning spaces in Dutch higher…
In this first edition of 2020, the main article is about a milestone and a new beginning for IT & Science: from 2020 onwards, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science will make an extra 20…