Opname van de podcast SURFshort in de podcaststudio

What you need to know about... purple teaming

SURF conducted a purple team exercise in late 2023 to test whether SURFconext could withstand an attack by hackers. This involved a red team (the attackers) working together with a blue team (the defenders). How did this go, what was the result, and how can you use it yourself as an institution?

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Bart Geesink, technical product manager at SURF, explains in 15 minutes what purple teaming is and what he learned from this intensive exercise.

Want to know more about this purple teaming exercise? Then read our blog post SURFconext gets hacked!

Elke maand praten we je met een nieuwe SURFshort in 15 minuten bij over de technologische ontwikkelingen in onderwijs en onderzoek. 

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