Banner SURFsounds special tussen macht en moraal

SURFsounds special: between power and morality episode 4. Is there hope on the horizon?

The previous episode made it clear that we really can be at the wheel ourselves. We are working hard on that at SURF. But there are many more hopeful examples and initiatives. And even if sometimes progress is one step back, two forward, we are on our way to better balance power and morality.

This podcast is in Dutch.

In this episode, we talk to Jantien Borsboom, director of Public Spaces about how she mobilises institutions to do things differently and Rens van der Vorst, lecturer author of several books about our special relationship with technology and founder of the platform technophilosophy about how he detaches himself and his students from ingrained ideas about what role technology should play for us.

Want to know more about responsible tech? Check out the Responsible AI and Public Values theme pages, the community and much more at

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