SURF Members' Council highlights - 11 December
Annual plan and budget 2025
The Members' Council approved the 2025 annual plan and budget. We continue to work on the SURF strategy 2022-2027, but following the midterm review 2024, some additional spearheads and result areas have been added. In 2025, the focus is on SURF's digital infrastructure, collectivity and internal organisation. Npuls, service provision and public values will also remain as important as ever.
Recruitment of Board member
Recruitment for a third member for the Executive Board has started. The Members' Council has been verbally informed about the progress of this process. Once a suitable candidate has been found, the Supervisory Board will nominate them to the Members' Council.
New appointments to the Scientific Technical Council (WTR)
The WTR, an advisory body supporting governance and cooperation, has appointed two new members for an initial three-year term: Daniel Oberski and John Swinbank. The WTR consists of recognised independent authorities, appointed in their personal capacity for a maximum of three terms.
At the meeting, the Members' Council bid farewell to Anja Oskamp, chair of the WTR. Her successor, Lynda Hardman, was elected by the WTR itself. The Members' Council warmly thanked Anja for her great commitment to the cooperative through the WTR.
Adjustment of board regulations
With the arrival of a third board member, the division of tasks within the board was also revised. The Members' Council had previously decided to move away from the CEO/CINO/COO division. The board regulations have now been adapted to this new structure.
AI Factory
The Members' Council was informed about the progress of a possible initiative for a national AI facility. SURF is exploring whether participation in this project will help improve access to AI resources for education and research.
Progress of innovation zone Common Digital Sovereignty
A year ago, the Members' Council approved the innovation zone Common Digital Sovereignty. The meeting discussed the progress of activities within this innovation zone, including the development of a digital sovereignty learning course for board members. Priorities and next steps were also identified.