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Share your expertise! SURF Tech Trends Report 2025-2026

After a successful Tech Trends Report in 2023, SURF is about to start creating the trend report for 2025-2026 and you can become part of it!

About SURF Tech Trends

The SURF Tech Trends Report is a two yearly report for the members within our education and research cooperative. It presents an overview of most relevant technologies and helps our collaborative organisation with navigating the complexity of technological advancements. There is a lot happening, and there are many reports out there. Therefore it’s important to curate and analyse what is shaping - or has the potential of shaping - the future of education and research. Think of technology chapters like AI, IX and Quantum. 

Sharing knowledge through expert groups

Working on the trend report means you get to work with other experts on a technology chapter, and are able to identify relevant trends and assess the impact. This includes reading, writing and attending sessions to gather information. Part of the project is that you are available on October 10th to attend the kick-off at SURF Utrecht where you meet fellow experts. On this day we will brainstorm about a collective approach following the format of the report and form (process) agreements within each group. Together with professionals from other Dutch research and education institutions you will be forming a group of experts (max 5). You are able and willing to dedicate time (+/- 1 day a month) between January and April 2025 to work together on the report. It goes without saying that you need to have a strong affinity for the technology of your choice (see the list in the form below). 

Join us

As part of the process we ask you to fill in a (short) form, pick a technology and share your (brief) motivation with us. Deadline: July 5, 2024. The kick off of this project will take place on October 10, 2024.

Go to form

Example SURF Tech Trends Report 2023 

Infographic Tech Trends Rapport 2025-2026

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