Google Workspace in education

Privacy risks from 2021 Google Workspace for Education DPIA sufficiently resolved
5 July 2023 - Google has taken steps in recent months to reduce the remaining risks from the 2021 DPIA as agreed and within the deadline.

SURF, SIVON and Google reach agreement Terms of Service Google Chrome
July 5, 2023 - In May 2023, SURF and SIVON agreed with Google on the new Terms of Service (ToS) for the use of Chrome OS and Chrome browser for Chromebooks.

State of play DPIA Google Workspace: update privacy measures
20 April 2023 - In December 2022, SIVON and SURF reported that Google has delivered measures to mitigate the risks from the 2021 DPIA within the agreed timeframe. Most of the measures comply with our earlier agreements; Google is now picking up the remaining issues and has indicated it will have them resolved by mid-June.
Update agreements and talks SURF and Google
5 October 2022 - In July 2021, SURF and Google reached an important agreement on the use of Google Workspace for Education by educational institutions. Since then, we have been in close contact with Google to ensure that they honour our agreements and discuss related files such as Google ChromeOS and the Chrome browser. In this article, as an advocacy group, we update you on the current state of affairs.

Investigation into Google ChromeOS and Chrome browser
11 November 2021 - It was agreed with Google in July 2021 that an education-specific version will be available for ChromeOS and Chrome browser. Institutions will thus remain in control of data when using ChromeOS and Chrome browser on student and staff Chromebooks (managed by the institution).

Support package Google Workspace for Education
2 August 2021 - As we previously reported, an agreement was reached on 8 July with Google on the measures aimed at the previously identified privacy risks at Google Workspace for Education. This means that institutions can continue to use Google Workspace for Education (Plus), provided they also implement some actions themselves. SURF, SIVON and Kennisnet have created a support package for this, which you can find here from now on.

All about DPIA Google Workspace
9 July 2021 - On 8 July, an agreement was reached with Google on measures aimed at the previously identified privacy risks at Google Workspace for Education. This means schools can continue to use Google Workspace for Education, provided they implement some actions themselves.

Education agrees with Google on privacy risks
8 July 2021 - After intensive discussions over the past weeks, an agreement has been reached with Google to mitigate high privacy risks related to the use of Workspace for Education Plus and Workspace Education Fundamentals by educational institutions in the Netherlands.

AP opinion: Google Workspace in education has too many risks
8 June 2021 - The Personal Data Authority (AP) says it is unclear whether personal data in Google Workspace (formerly Google Suite for Education) is adequately protected. Education organisations are urgently appealing to Google's corporate social responsibility to properly safeguard pupils' and students' privacy and immediately initiate the removal of the risks.

SURF and SIVON challenge Google on privacy risks
22 February 2021 - In education, more and more (personal) data is being stored and exchanged digitally. It is important that this is done in a safe and responsible way. Research commissioned by the University of Groningen (RUG) and the Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HvA) shows that there are privacy risks associated with using Google G-suite*.