The European digital education landscape is rapidly evolving. Numerous organisations are initiating and participating in projects focused on themes such as Credentials, Credit Mobility, and Identity & Access. However, coordination between these projects is limited, partly due to a lack of awareness of each other's existence. Consequently, different standards are developed and used, reducing interoperability among organisations and hampering mutual cooperation.

The need for better coordination 
To address this, SURF, together with other European organisations, aims to better map the European digital education landscape. EduXS provides an overview of digital education tools, standards, and projects to improve both didactics and educational logistics. 

EduXS: a centralised platform for digital education 
EduXS aspires to be the "first-stop shop" for all stakeholders in the European digital education ecosystem, serving as the primary source for comprehensive information on educational projects, organisations, standards, and services. By offering a centralised platform, EduXS simplifies the process of finding like-minded projects and standards, facilitating collaboration and innovation. 
Next step: a Minimum Viable Product 
Following a successful Proof of Concept (PoC) phase in 2022, a working prototype was developed and tested in 2023. This prototype, accessible via, demonstrates the ability to access data on education digitalisation in a user-friendly manner. The next phase of EduXS is the development of a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), planned to be launched early 2025. 

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