
Secure access everywhere with one set of credentials

Let your users log in to all the cloud services your institution uses with one username and password. Both for services that everyone uses and services for small specialist teams. Secure, easy and privacy-friendly.
studente kijkt op haar laptop


One interface for all cloud services

With SURFconext, you arrange access to different services with one link instead of a separate link per service.

Safe and easy

Users can securely and easily access cloud services with one account, that of the institution (single sign-on).


SURFconext transfers only the personal data that is really necessary to the service provider.

Also for own services

As an institution, you can make your own services easily accessible to your own staff and students, and those of other institutions.

Understanding appointments

As an institution, you always have clear insight into agreements with service providers.

Do you have a question about SURFconext? Get in touch.

icoon team

Team SURFconext


About SURFconext

SURFconext connects your institution (identity provider) with a single link to various service providers. Authentication, authorisation, group management and agreements on privacy and security are partly handled centrally for you by SURFconext.

Which services can be used with SURFconext?

You can immediately use services that we have already connected to SURFconext. Go to the SURFconext Dashboard to see which services these are.

Services from other countries connected to the global research federation eduGAIN can also be used in the Netherlands. Some of these services can be used directly via the SURFconext Dashboard.

Additional functionalities

SURFconext Dashboard

The SURFconext Dashboard shows which cloud services are linked to SURFconext and which ones your institution uses. The dashboard also allows you to activate new services.

SURFconext Invite

With SURFconext Invite, staff and students at your institution can easily set up a collaboration group with other users from different institutions. This is useful, for example, if this group wants to use a number of applications together, for example a wiki.

SURFconext Authorisation Rules

SURFconext Authorisation Rules are used to restrict access to services to a specific group. For example, you use attributes for this purpose.

SURFconext API Security

SURFconext API Security allows you to share data such as student grades safely with APIs of other institutions or mobile apps.

More information

Do you have a question about contracts, procedures or the possibilities of SURFconext? Or do you need help connecting? Check out one of our wikis:

Or contact Team SURFconext, at

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Secure your online services with SURFsecureID

SURFsecureID, SURF's multi-factor authentication service, makes access to online services even more secure. SURFsecureID can be used without or in combination with SURFconext.

Read more about SURFsecureID