Wifi-calling SURF is researching Wi-Fi calling as a new type of wireless application, which carries phone calls and text messages over the Wi-Fi network.
PRACE: access to the fastest systems in Europe PRACE gives top researchers access to the fastest systems in Europe, enabling the Netherlands to continue to compete with countries such as China.
IPv6: how to migrate? With the supply of IPv4 addresses almost having run out, ever more organisations are migrating to IPv6. We're happy to help you.
Code of conduct SURFfilesender Read the code of conduct of SURFfilesender that you agree with when you choose to use this service.
Report Remote vetting for SURFsecureID This report describes various ways in which the identity of a remote user can be established without having to physically visit a service desk.
Privacy policy support Read more about privacy and cloud, digital identity, lawful operational actions in IT.
Support for a security policy What is a good security policy, and how can an institution set up or improve such a policy?
Security services and tools Students, lecturers, researchers and institutions all benefit from a secure online environment.
Access to compute services Apply directly for cloud and cluster computing access on HPC Cloud, Lisa, National Supercomputer Snellius and Grid/Spider.
Which service for which research question? SURF offers several services in the area of High Performance Computing (HPC). Which one do you need for your research?