Tutorials and concepts edubadges We have created a aantall useful English-language tutorials to help you get started with edubadges.
Step 4: structure your edubadge activities Structure all your edubadge activities in an orderly way and assign a person responsible for each edubadge.
Starting with edubadges Want to get started with edubadges in your educational context? Then follow our concrete step-by-step plan.
SURF Research Access Management: safe and easy collaboration in research services With SURF Research Access Management you can organize and manage access to research services faster, safer and cheaper.
Quantum computing for research: the state of play A lot has been written about quantum computers in recent years, but where are we now? We're asking three experts for their opinions.
More information If you would like to find out more about online proctoring, this page offers even more information in the white paper on online proctoring: remote invigilation and the assessment selection model.
Frequently asked questions If you have any further questions, send an email to onlineproctoring@surf.nl and we will make sure that your questions are answered.
Questions and answers about online proctoring How does online proctoring work, how does it affect your privacy and what are your rights?
ORCID: the unique identifier for authors of scientific work ORCID allows you to make research, scientific articles and authors more findable. In addition, your research is easier to distinguish