Fijn dat je je hebt aangemeld voor een of beiden van onze SURF-nieuwsbrieven. Vanaf nu krijg je wekelijks het laatste nieuws over ict in onderwijs en onderzoek in je mailbox en/of maandelijks SURF Magazine-artikelen over trends en ontwikkelingen rond de digitale transformatie in onderzoek en onderwijs.
SURFcert, SURF's Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT), investigates and coordinates all ICT security breaches involving institutions affiliated to SURF. Wim Biemolt and Remon Klein Tank from SURFcert talk about the highs and lows of 2021.
The EuroTeQ consortium brings together six European technical universities, including TU/e. EuroTeQ has launched a Student mobility pilot to allow students to take cources at another educational…
BDO, commissioned by SURF, conducted a security and privacy awareness survey at 26 institutions in early 2022. It showed, among other things, that staff feel that structural attention to security and…
How can you maintain online contact between teacher and student and improve the quality of education? Online tutoring offers more flexibility and a mix of tutoring formats, making education more interesting for student and teacher. Read real-life stories to use online tutoring in teaching practice.