Security communities: working together on security and privacy
Information security and privacy officers in education work together in SCIPR (SURF Community for Information Security and PRivacy). Among other things, we jointly draw up policies and guidelines there to improve your institution's information security and privacy.
Operational security experts discuss current security challenges and exchange the latest tips & tricks with peers in SCIRT (SURF Community of Incident Response Teams). The aim is to raise the overall level of knowledge and experience within education and research to a higher level.
Exchange tips & tricks on cybersecurity threats
In our forum, we discuss and analyse the latest cybersecurity threats. We discuss ideas, tips and tricks to successfully ward off the threats from multiple perspectives. We mainly focus on operational security and security incident management (CERT/CSIRT).
STITCH: a short checklist for application security
It is increasingly important that software and services meet security requirements. But how do you choose among all those different lists and guidance documents? SCIRT, the cybersecurity community, therefore developed a simplified checklist: the Security Technical IT Checklist (STITCH).