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What you need to know about... self-souvereign identity

In this SURF Short, we talk about self-souvereign identity with Niels van Dijk, technical product manager trust & identity at SURF.

If you have an account somewhere - for example, with your educational institution or with Facebook - the details of that account are owned by that organisation. Self-sovereign identity (SSI) is a new concept in which users have control over their data. You have the data in a digital wallet - an app on your phone - and decide for yourself what happens to it. A step forward in privacy protection.

SSI offers many possibilities, also for education and research. What will we soon be able to do with SSI, and are there any risks involved?

Niels' tip: The blockchain, a solution for almost nothing, byJesse Frederik, on the Correspondent: https://decorrespondent.nl/12682/de-blockchain-een-oplossing-voor-bijna…