
Open network exchange for research and education

NetherLight is a crucial node for exchanging research traffic. It is an open network exchange located in Amsterdam that connects research and education communities (European and international) to each other. It also connects Dutch R&E communities to the services of various cloud providers. 
Man met ipad met beeld van conferencecall op de achtergrond


High-speed international connectivity for Dutch researchers

NetherLight offers high-speed, reliable connectivity (currently up to 400G) for research purposes.

Existing connections to many cloud providers 

All major cloud players have connections to NetherLight. 

Connected to the global research & education network 

NetherLight already interconnects many NRENs within Europe and internationally.

State-of-the-Art and custom solutions 

NetherLight is a platform where new, innovative and latest technology solutions can be tested and used to accelerate your science.

Do you have a question about NetherLight? Get in touch.

Karin Wessel

Karin Wessel

What is NetherLight?

NetherLight is a crucial hub for international internet traffic between education and research networks, operated by SURF.

Who is NetherLight suitable for?

If you are a Dutch SURF member  

  • you can use NetherLight to access or exchange research data internationally. 
  • you can connect to NetherLight to establish a connection to a cloud provider and gain access to their services.  

If you are a vendor to Dutch SURF members   

  • you can connect to NetherLight to offer your services to SURF members, upon request.  

If you are an NREN, European or anywhere in the world  

  • you can connect to other NRENs and research partners that are connected to the Global Research & Education Network (GREN).  

Why connect to NetherLight? 

High-speed, European and international connectivity for Dutch researchers  

NetherLight offers high-speed, reliable connectivity for research purposes. Using hardware and links dedicated to research data we offer reliable, European and international connectivity, with speeds of 10, 100 and 400 Gbit per second, in redundant configurations if desired. Speeds of 800 Gbit/s will become available in 2025.  

Existing connections to many cloud providers  

All Dutch educational and research institutions that are connected to the SURF network can set up L2- or L3VPN connections to service providers of computing, storage, and telephony, among others. All major players in the Netherlands and internationally already have connections to NetherLight. 

Connected to the global research & education network  

NetherLight already interconnects many NRENs within Europe and internationally. Strategically located in Amsterdam, we presently connect 30+ partners in the R&E community which together use over 8.2 Terabits per second. Connecting to NetherLight as an NREN means you immediately enable access to the data and infrastructures of your fellow researchers anywhere in the world. Whether you need connectivity to Korea, the US, Canada, Oman, South Africa, Tokyo, or anywhere else, NetherLight can get you there. NetherLight is proud to be part of the network of Global Exchange Points that form the Global Research & Education Network (GREN). 

State-of-the-Art and custom solutions  

If your research pushes the boundaries of networking technology NetherLight is the place to be. We will gladly help you design and implement a fitting solution. We continuously trial new innovations and bleeding-edge technology, such as 800 Gbit/s ZR+ Ethernet, with various vendors. We maintain regular contact with other NRENs, supercomputer centers, and green-power datacenters that you may need to accelerate your science. 

More on Netherlight

For more in-depth information about this exchange, how to connect to it, current NetherLight participants, research collaborations with NetherLight, available services, and pricing, visit the NetherLight Theme Page.