SURF Education Days 2024 for mbo, hbo and wo

Setting the right tone for the future together will be central during the education & IT event of the year: the SURF Education Days on 12 and 13 November. During the 26th edition, we inspire participants to look ahead and outline the educational developments that will become relevant in the coming years.

Logo Education Days 2024. Theme: set the tone!
Robot op de SURF Onderwijsdagen


Will you be there this year? Register until 10 September with a discount!

To ticket page

Locatie SURF Onderwijsdagen 2024

New location

This year, the SURF Education Days will take place in a new venue: Amare, The Hague.

More about Amare

Surf Onderwijsawards 2019

SURF Education Awards

For the ninth time, we are presenting awards to innovators who are making a difference and inspiring colleagues to push their boundaries.

Read more

Robot op de SURF Onderwijsdagen 2023

Review of SURF Education Days 2023

Check out the highlights of SURF Education Days 2023. With photos, videos of plenary sessions and presentations.

View the retrospective