SURF Education Days 2024 for mbo, hbo and wo

Setting the right tone for the future together will be central during the education & IT event of the year: the SURF Education Days on 12 and 13 November. During the 26th edition, we inspire participants to look ahead and outline the educational developments that will become relevant in the coming years.

Logo Onderwijsdagen 2024

Call for proposals

Submit a session proposal if you would like to share your project or initiative at SURF Education Days 2024. You can also submit a current issue or topic you would like to discuss with participants.

Call for proposals is now open

During SURF Education Days 2024, we want to inspire participants to set the right tone for the future together. That means working on new teaching methods, embracing new technologies and responding to the changing needs of students.

Leading education means future-proof education. Therefore, we are looking for the best projects and initiatives that exemplify leadership, educational innovation, use of new technology and/or cooperation.

Is your project or initiative an inspiring example for others? Do you have a current issue or topic you would like to discuss with participants?

In preparation for submitting a session proposal - Questions from the call for proposals

What would you like to share at SURF Education Days 2024?

Suggested title (This content will be publicly visible.)

Session type

  • Presentation with Q&A (25 minutes)
  • Interactive presentation with discussion and input (50 minutes)
  • Workshop, sprel or game (50 minutes)
  • Panel discussion (50 minutes)
  • Pecha Kucha (7 minutes)


  1. AI
  2. Blended learning
  3. Digital testing
  4. Digital learning environment
  5. Lecturer professionalisation
  6. EdTech
  7. Flexibilisation
  8. Future Campus (Learning spaces)
  9. IT design
  10. International cooperation (relations)
  11. Interoperability (technical systems)
  12. Open educational resources
  13. Public values
  14. Study data
  15. TLC
  16. XR
  17. Lifelong learning

Summary (This content will be publicly visible.)

Description (This content will be publicly visible.)

Notes (These notes are intended for the organiser and will not be publicly visible).

Additional speaker

Which of the terms below best describes your session?

  • Educational
  • Platforms and technology (including hardware and software)
  • Creating, editing, publishing educational content
  • Vision or policy

What innovation do you apply in the topic of your session?

To what extent is prior knowledge required to follow the session?

To what extent is your session technical?

What room arrangement is preferred?

Do you have any special requirements?

Permission to share your presentation?

Do you give SURF permission to post photos or videos of you and your session on our communication channels?

Submit a session proposal

Working formats for sessions

When submitting a session proposal, you can indicate a preference for a working format that suits your session. Below you will find more explanation on the working formats.

N.B. Session proposals with a lot of interaction are more likely to be awarded.

Short presentation with Q&A

25 min || 1 - 2 speakers || in a room with theatre set-up

During your presentation, you share specific knowledge or vision on a theme or topic. Make your presentation interactive and involve the audience by also making room for questions in between, or a Q&A at the end of the session.

Interactive presentation with discussion & input

50 min || 1-2 speakers | in a room with theatre or cabaret (multiple tables) set-up

Old-fashioned presentation with a twist. After a 10-15-minute presentation, participants talk further in groups, then share the results and the presentation continues.

Panel discussion

50 minutes || 3-5 speakers || in a room with a theatre set-up and a stage with several chairs/stools

A panel is a session in which a group of experts, professionals or pundits have the opportunity to discuss or exchange ideas on a topical issue with each other and the audience.

Provide a good moderator who leads the conversation, asks questions, incorporates any questions from the audience into the discussion and omits his own opinion.

Workshop, game or play

50 min || 1-2 hosts or speakers || in a room with round tables

The best-attended sessions at SURF Education Days are sessions where participants playfully work together on issues (think: workshops) or work with new methods (think: games).

Tweak the brains, play a game, use Lego as a working form, use design thinking, build the solution to an issue with straws and wads. Or surprise us with another working form! We are very curious to hear your playful and interactive submission.

Pecha Kucha

7 min || 1 speaker || in a room with theatre set-up

Are you an expert and would you like to share your initiative, project or product in a sparkling and inspiring speech? Short and powerful, supported by a presentation with 20 slides of 20 seconds and in a showreel with other speakers?

SURF provides a fixed Pecha Kucha template that you can use for this.


The call for proposals is open until 3 June 2024. In June, the programme committee will evaluate all submitted session proposals. By the end of June at the latest, you will hear whether your session has been approved and in which working format it will take place. We will publish the draft programme in early September.