
Proper security is increasingly important because of the increasing dependence on ICT in education and research. SURF's ambition is to make institutions resilient against cybercriminals. Among other things, by helping them reach NBA maturity level 3.
Angry security

Continuous efforts on awareness, organisation and technology are needed to keep working safely. From administrators to administrators and researchers to students, everyone plays a role in being able to continue studying, working and researching safely.

Remco Poortinga-van Wijnen

Remco Poortinga - van Wijnen


Since 2022, SURF has been working with its members on innovation in 9 Innovation Zones. One of these is the Cybersecurity Innovation Zone, which aims to increase the cyber resilience of education and research institutions. A conversation with Albert Hankel (SURF) and Paula Duijnhoven (Leiden University of Applied Sciences): "The question is not whether we will be hacked, but when."


SURF Communities


Studenten, docenten en onderzoekers zijn gebaat bij een veilige online omgeving. Maar hoe pak je dat als instelling aan? Deze community is voor iedereen in onderwijs en onderzoek die kennis en ervaring wil delen en/of meer wil weten over zaken op het gebied van (cyber)security.